Ankle Sprain

Ankle Sprain Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is an Ankle Sprain?

A sprained ankle is an acute injury caused by a sudden movement, such as twisting your ankle, that forces the ligaments to stretch beyond the healthy range. The extent of the sprain depends on the extent of the damage to the ligaments. They may only stretch, but they may also tear either partway or completely.

  • Stretch: Grade I ankle sprain
  • Partial tear: Grade II ankle sprain
  • Complete tear: Grade III ankle sprain

Inversion ankle sprains are the most common type. You’ll feel this pain on the outer part of the ankle. Eversion ankle sprains occur when the foot twists outward, damaging the inner ligament.

What Is An Ankle Sprain

Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain

The most common symptom of an ankle sprain is pain, particularly when standing or allowing the injured foot to bear weight. Other sprained ankle symptoms vary according to the severity of the injury. Symptoms may include:

  • The ankle feeling tender to the touch
  • Swelling and bruising on and around the ankle
  • Reduced range of motion
  • A feeling of instability at the ankle

At the time of injury, you may also hear a popping sound, or experience a popping sensation.

Symptoms Of An Ankle Sprain

How is an Ankle Sprain Diagnosed?

In order to diagnose a potential ankle sprain, your doctor will examine your lower leg, ankle, and foot, checking to feel the extent of your injuries. They may also order diagnostic tests, such as:

  • CT (computed tomography) scan
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray

Diagnostic imaging is usually ordered to rule out broken bones.

Why You Should See a Podiatrist for a Sprained Ankle

People often put off going to the doctor for a sprain, particularly since self-care like ice and rest are the most common treatments. However, evaluation by a podiatrist will determine the extent of your injury. Failure to visit a doctor for a sprained ankle may cause a variety of complications, including:

  • Increased risk of repeat sprains
  • Chronic ankle pain
  • Chronic instability in the ankle joint
  • Increased risk of arthritis in the ankle joint

If you think you’ve sprained your ankle, please make an appointment with your podiatrist to speed healing and guard against these complications.

Treating a Sprained Ankle

The most common treatment for ankle sprains is RICE:

  • Rest: Avoid weight-bearing activities
  • Ice: Apply ice or cold pack to the injured ankle for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours
  • Compression: Wrap the ankle with an elastic bandage to prevent swelling, but don’t wrap it too tightly
  • Elevation: Keep the ankle above heart level to prevent swelling

If you have vascular disease, decreased sensation, or diabetes, please talk to your doctor before icing your ankle. You may take over-the-counter pain relievers, including ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen. If you must walk, crutches help reduce weight on your injured ankle. Surgery is rarely needed, but it may be required if the ligament doesn’t heal.

Causes and Risk Factors of Ankle Sprains

Sprains are caused by your ankle being forced out of its natural position. This may be the result of a fall, twisting your ankle when walking on an uneven surface, or landing on your foot awkwardly.

Your risk is higher if you:

  • Aren’t physically fit
  • Have a prior ankle injury
  • Participate in sports
  • Run or walk on uneven surfaces
  • Wear improper shoes

Can You Prevent Ankle Sprains?

With a bit of care, you can attempt to prevent ankle sprains.

  • Improve fitness, particularly balance, flexibility, muscle strength, and stability
  • Wear a brace or wrap an ankle that’s been injured before
  • Warm up before exercising or playing sports
  • Take care when walking or running on uneven surfaces, including poorly maintained sports fields
  • Wear shoes that offer plenty of support and are designed for the activity you’re performing
    Avoid wearing shoes with high heels

Of course, no matter how careful you are, accidents happen. And ankle sprains are one of the more common foot injuries.

If you suspect you’ve sprained your ankle, contact Preferred Foot & Ankle today. We’ll help you get back on your feet in no time.