Our feet are crucial to our overall health but unfortunately, many of us don’t give them the attention that they deserve. Although we rely on our feet for so much in our everyday life, we typically take them completely for granted. The feet can tell us quite a lot about our overall health if you stop to take a close look. In many cases, the feet are one of the first parts of the body to experience symptoms when something is wrong.
Let’s take a closer look at what our feet can tell you about your overall health and well-being.

Experiencing Cold Feet Or Toes
If you have cold feet or toes, it can often be a sign of diabetes, poor blood circulation, vascular issues, or peripheral artery disorder (PAD). Of course, sometimes, it can simply be a case of needing to put on an extra cozy pair of socks, but other times it can be a sign of something more serious. If your feet are often cold, it could mean that you have restricted blood flow because of PAD. Diabetes, smoking, and genetic factors can also cause poor circulation which cold feet are also an indicator of.
Burning Feeling In Your Feet
Sometimes a burning sensation can be felt in the soles of the feet, which can be a sign of our feet trying to tell us that something might be wrong. Typically this is due to neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes or other factors, or peripheral artery disorder (PAD). While most of the time a burning sensation in the soles of the feet is attributed to nerve damage, known as neuropathy, there can be other reasons too. For example, common conditions such as Athlete’s foot can cause inflammation, and individuals with PAD may also experience burning pain in the feet.
Swollen Toes Or Feet
Seeing that one or both of your feet or toes have suddenly become largely swollen can be alarming. However, this is usually due to another issue that might not be so obvious. Swelling can be caused by or be an indicator of gout, cellulitis infection, neuropathic arthropathy, possible deep vein thrombosis, or arthritis. Identifying the cause for swollen toes and feet allows patients to get the medical attention they need before any of these issues become more serious.
Deformed Or Discolored Toe Nails
Deformed or discolored toenails are nobody’s favorite thing to have to deal with. However, while these issues may not be the most pleasant thing to have to look at, they are often a great indicator of an underlying issue with your health. Some of the most common causes for your toenails to take on a new appearance are nail fungus, overuse from repetitive trauma such as running, hiking, dancing, kicking, and other physical activities. If your nails have changed color or become deformed it could be an indicator of nail fungus or overuse. However, it can also be an indicator of psoriasis, anemia, or even melanoma, a type of skin cancer.
Slow Healing Ulcer Or Sore
If you have a sore or an ulcer on your foot that will not heal, it could be because of poor blood circulation due to diabetes or peripheral neuropathy. An ulcer or a sore on the foot that will not heal can also be an indicator of evolving skin cancer, which will need to be assessed by a medical professional as soon as possible. Should you discover a sore or an ulcer on your foot, allow it some time to heal. However, if it does not heal in a reasonable amount of time, it could be a sign that there is a more serious issue underlying that might need some attention.
Keep An Eye On Your Feet And Look Out For Any Changes Or Issues
Your feet are often one of the first places for symptoms to present for a range of different conditions. Keeping an eye on your feet and recognizing any changes will help you to identify symptoms quickly so you can take action as quickly as possible. Keeping your feet healthy is key to your overall health and well-being. Be kind to your feet and you can be sure that they will look after you.
If you live in the Phoenix area and require podiatry services for foot pain, you can book an appointment online 24/7, or call 480 497-3946 today for an appointment.