Thick, yellow, or discolored toenails are frequently caused by infection from a fungus. It begins invading the nail, starting at the very tip of your toenail, working its way all the back towards the cuticle area and into the nail bed. This same type of fungus also causes athletes foot. Toenails discolored – As the fungal infection advances, the fungus eats at your nail discoloring it and your toenails will continue to thicken, yellow, and may even become painful. Sometimes, a foul-smelling odor is present with a fungal nail infection. Trauma to a toenail can also cause the problem. See Treatment options for fungus toenails.

Note – Occasionally thicker nails may not be from a fungus at all but rather due to wearing your shoes too tight (especially athletic or tennis shoes) or from trauma from an accident, hitting the toenail very hard, or dropping something on the nail. If you are not sure if you have a fungus infection, before it gets worse… making an appointment with Dr. Jarman is one sure way to find out the cause of your toenails discoloring or becoming thicker.

Yellow or discolored toenails