Yes, as with most fungi or fungus (living organisms) toenail fungus can be contagious. The fungal toenail infection can affect anyone, any age including children, teens, adults, and seniors and can be problematic for some, especially athletes. Sweaty feet sometimes play a part in the initial infectious stage or process, which then contributes to it spreading. Close interaction with someone that has a fungal toenails infection is usually the culprit.

Prevention: That’s why it is best not to ever use someone’s nail polish or nail tools, or wear someone shoes or socks. Or… go barefoot in gyms, locker rooms, spas, public swimming pools, wet decks, or community shower facilities. All are places where contagious toenail fungus as well as athlete’s foot can be attained and you may not know it for a long time. Learn more about causes and symptoms of fungal toenails and treatment options.